Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Toroma Farmer Group

 By Sara:

Sometimes, it is too hot to meet inside for a training.  When it is 100 degrees and there are no fans or air conditioning, everyone eventually just falls asleep in the hot building.  What can you do?  You just have to look for a shady tree where you can get a breeze:

Group members having fun making a plan for their garden this season:

Remember that experiment with celery in food-colored water that shows how plants take water up through their stems?  We don't have celery here, so we need to be creative in finding something which can show the same thing:

In 2019, I did some trainings in this same area and the group planted a tree at the church.  Here is the seedling they planted as it was in 2019 (the thorns were to protect it from being eaten by animals):


This is what it looks like now (2024):

 It is pretty amazing how quickly a tree can grow here!


  1. Amazing and lovely! Again, thanks for these stories!

  2. Is it a nut tree? It's leaves look something like black walnut leaves. -- Bill Durkin

    1. It is a neem tree: https://www.britannica.com/plant/neem-tree

  3. That’s awesome, always wondered where neem oil came from. That tree has many uses! Do the harvest from it or only grow for shade?

    1. Right now, it is just there for shade, but eventually, they could harvest the seeds to make oil if they want
