
Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Land and Building

By Sara:

We've been making some real progress toward living on our land, so we wanted to show you some pictures of what has been happening over approximately the past year since we got land.

This is what it looked like when we got it:

This is the land being cleared of bushes:

The first building step was digging a trench and laying the foundation for a wall:

All of the work is done by hand, including mixing the cement.

However, this is how work can go so quickly:

Here's Anthony and our friend Martin, who is managing the building process.  We appreciate him so much; he is doing great work and is very hard working:

The guys digging the pit latrine:

After that, putting up a gate:

Obviously, planting a garden was a priority for me.  Here are some of the bananas and tree seedlings I planted right away at the beginning of this rainy season:

On planting day:

About one month later:

And then only two months after planting everything:

Then, work started on laying the foundation for our house:

And there is the filled foundation:

This week, they started laying out the rooms and putting up the walls!


  1. I have never seen a katrine that deep and that perfectly shaped!

    1. These guys really do their work well!

    2. It is so much fun to see the progress! I can’t wait to see the finished product.

  2. It will be fun for us to watch your garden grow, Sara!

    1. I hope you will come and eat some of the produce someday! :)

  3. The "amazing" comment was me. ;)
