
Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Women's Ministry

By Sara:

I have been enjoying joining some of my friends from Soroti to do ministry in different areas.  Jane and Betty invited me to go with them to a church just outside of town to teach about improving relationships in the family.  This was part of the women's ministry in PAG - women from different parts of the pastorate go to visit other churches and share with them.  They rotate who is traveling where at various times of year.  Jane, Betty, and I planned some different topics and discussion questions.  It went well, though we didn't have as much time as we expected (about 2 hours instead of 5), since everything started late!

Here is Betty using the example of Ruth to talk about having loving relationships within a family:

Jane shared on the topic of good hygiene and caring for our family's health by the way we treat our bodies.

Another time, Jane and I were invited to a church in Usuk, about an hour north of Soroti, to teach at a one-day marriage seminar.  We facilitated some very lively discussions about how to honor people in our families and how to improve communication with one another and do it in a godly way.

While we were there, we talked to some of the women who had been at a baking training with me and Betty almost a year ago.  These four women (Betty, Esther, Josephine, and Deborah) are four out of 7 women who formed a group to bake cakes.  So far, they were hired once to make cakes for a wedding:

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