
Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Julius and Baby Rabbits

 By Anthony:

This is another post of random photos from our daily lives. Many of you may remember our former guard Julius who got saved some years ago and who we were trying to encourage and disciple. He moved back to his village and also lost his phone number, so we had been out of touch for a year or two. But we found him in town! He moved back to Soroti and is working for a guard company again. Now we can talk to him whenever we want.

Here are the baby rabbits. They are now much bigger by the time of this posting. They grow quickly!

They were small but fast:

World Renew had a meeting recently in Soroti and many of our church leader friends were at the meeting, so we had some over to our home. It is a big deal to visit someone's home for the first time, when normally you are only meeting them all the time at different meetings and trainings. It was a special time of fellowship and they encouraged us so much as they shared testimonies about TLT and other ministries.

Part of Sara's garden below. The big leaves are pumpkin leaves and they are one of our favorite greens/vegetables.

On one of our visits we received a gift of honey to take home. It was quite the mess of honeycomb and honey, but Sara has mad skills:

Stephen Omoko, our Resonate colleague here in Soroti, started a new initiative called Bishops' Coffee Break. He and his wife host a time for Bishops and their wives to relax, work on their marriage, have     quality time, and work through issues. Who pastors the pastor? Or the bishop? They were so grateful to Stephen and Resonate for such a space created for them. Here is Stephen and Sarah:

There is a Resonate vehicle which has been parked at our house, but which Stephen uses, we have had a problem with a rat that got into the vehicle when Stephen was on a visit somewhere. One day I was able to see it in the trunk, and quickly grabbed a stick and managed to kill it. Hopefully it didn't damage anything important in the vehicle. We had tried poison before that, but it didn't work. It was very big.

Sometimes you need to take a break and do something fun. Federico and I went fishing on Lake Kyoga with the help of our night guards who thought it sounded like a fun activity too, and since they live near the lake, they assisted us to rent a boat and paddle it around. Federico is one of my very good friends here in Soroti. He is from Argentina and actually learned English in Uganda so he has an excellent Ugandan way of speaking. We have many shared interests besides fishing including VR, ping pong, and board gaming. Unfortunately we didn't catch a single fish!


  1. Thanks for these pictures, Anthony and Sara!

  2. Are the pumpkin leaves the same texture as ours? How do you prepare them?

    1. Just boil them up and add some seasoning like salt

    2. This is a really good video demonstrating how to cook pumpkin greens:
