Thursday, March 6, 2025

Painting Class Take 2...and 3

 By Sara:

After the success of the first painting class, I planned two more classes to meet the interest of more potential students.  These had to take place during the long school holiday: December and January.  I had one class at my home a couple weeks before Christmas and another class at my friend Jane's home after New Year's.

Another friend gave me an excellent suggestion to watch videos on YouTube about teaching art and I got all kinds of cool ideas for these classes.  Maybe it was because I had more young students, but these ones finished their paintings much more quickly than the first group of kids.  So it was good to have other activities for them to do to become better at art in general.

Everyone painted a "color wheel" in their notebook to show the primary colors and what secondary colors you get when you mix together, for example, blue and yellow.

Since some of the students finished their paintings super quickly, I found some big pieces of cardboard for them to draw and paint on, which was so fun that some of the other kids got distracted from finishing their own paintings to go draw something on the cardboard boxes!
I'm also very thankful for the people who helped me with these classes.  I would not have been able to handle all the kids on my own!  I had more of my Bible study youth as helpers and also some friends - Jilanne and Evan - who came from Kampala to spend Christmas with us. 

One fun new activity I discovered was making "scratch paper" where they colored all over a piece of paper with crayon, then painted over it with black paint.  The next day, they could use a toothpick to scratch a design onto the page so it had a black background and colorful lines.

It was fun to see which different pictures the children chose to paint.  There were some designs which were repeated in two or three of the classes like the butterfly, gibbon, frog, kingfisher, and flamingos.  But other designs were only done once: the cartoon lion, chameleon, hawk, and scene from space.  (The pictures below are of paintings still in progress)

All in all, it was a great activity for the kids to experience and something fun they could do during their holiday, which they aren't doing much (or at all) in school.  They tired me out though, so I am glad for a break from painting classes for a while!

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Painting Class

By Sara:

I had a great time over a couple weeks in August-September offering a painting class for kids during their school holiday.  I advertised it for kids ages 10-14, but I ended up with one boy who was 7 - he kept up well with the other kids, but got tired out and distracted before the end of class!

I had 12 students in the class and two of my older Bible study youth volunteered to be my assistants and help me manage and teach the class.  We started out with a fun activity where I gave them a tiny piece of a picture to enlarge on a bigger square of paper.  After everyone was done, we put them together to see how well we did on the enlargement.  It was a way to practice dividing a design up into a grid and then transferring it onto a bigger, proportional grid.

I printed out a bunch of pictures for them to choose from, everyone drew a grid of squares over it, then put a grid on a board.  Then, they worked on transferring the small design onto the big board.

I taught them how to mix primary colors of paint (red, blue, yellow) to make secondary colors (green, purple, orange) as well as brown and different shades.  I only bought red, blue, yellow, black, and white so they had to learn how to make the other colors they wanted.

The kids weren't completely done with their paintings at this point, but the video below can give you a pretty good idea of what they accomplished.  There was definitely some natural artistic talent there already in most of these kids!

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Book Gifts from Christianbook International Outreach

By Anthony:

I wanted to publicly express gratitude to Christianbook International Outreach and Crossway. Both of these companies recently donated books for Ugandan leaders on a shipping container that Christianbook paid for to send to Uganda. This was for many of their partners scattered around Uganda. I was blown away by their generosity. Both Christianbook and Crossway gave books, but not random old used books. They both gave brand new books of our choice. We and other members of our Resonate Global Mission team were able to request the specific books that we wanted. We could request books that Ugandan leaders were requesting or that they would appreciate.

We were able to request many Africa Study Bibles from Christianbook. This Bible is excellent because all of the study notes are from African theologians and Bible scholars. We gave these to various bishops from different regions of Uganda to give to some of their pastors.

Charles Epongu, secretary from Kaberamaido PAG pastorate says - "I would love to extend my gratitude to Christianbook for the wonderful offer of the Africa Study Bibles. These Study Bibles help God's Servants defend the truth in such a generation full of false teachings and prophecies. We continue to pray for more. God bless you."

Then for the Pastor's book group that I lead monthly in Soroti, Crossway gave us these Building Healthy Churches book sets. It will take us a couple years to get through all of the books. We have already finished the one called, "The Gospel" and are now on a second book. These books are prompting excellent and deep discussion! We are all learning more together.

Esolu Charles, deacon of Majengo PAG church said, "I am currently studying the book, The Gospel. I am gaining a deeper insight in the word of God through the elaborate exposition of Scripture. Also, it is amazing the way that the author brings out how we should use the gospel to shape the life and culture of our churches."

Other books that Christianbook gave us to distribute to pastors have included some books by Tim Keller, systematic theologies, a book on resolving conflict, and a book on biblical interpretation. Here is a photo of some of the Soroti PAG Assembly pastors who also received books.

Besides getting books for pastors, Sara was able to request Bible study books on Hebrews, Philippians, and Romans for the youth who participated in her Bible studies during Covid time. They were very excited to have another resource they can use to study the Bible with their friends.
There are a lot of places you can buy books today. But I heartily encourage you to support Christianbook and Crossway. They are not just out to make a profit. They are incredibly generous with their books to help pastors around the world. 

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Life in Uganda

By Anthony:

As usual, I like to make periodic blog posts featuring different aspects of our lives here in Uganda, and some of the pictures I've saved up.

Here is a view of Jinja, Uganda, when I was there for leading a HWHIA training. I walked up a hill behind where we were staying. Uganda can be so beautiful.

Here is how I saw people drying clothes in Ghana. When you don't have enough clotheslines, you improvise.

Here is a view overlooking a part of Kampala, when I was there for a training.

Here is a video of driving through Kampala:

Driving in Uganda is interesting for a whole host of reasons. You have to watch out for animals, but not deer.

The roads are bad, like really bad in many areas. But to make things worse, when people are doing construction, so many nails end up in the roads. In one month I think we patched the same tire three times for different nails. Unfortunately one time got us out in the village in the morning in the dark. We were very ready to change the completely flat tire ourselves. But we couldn't get the old tire off even with our jack and all the tools. It needed our mechanic to come with a crowbar to finally wrench it off.

In September 2024, we had a visitor, Pat Smith, come from Midland Reformed Church in Michigan and stay with us. As one of our supporters and from our supporting church, he just wanted to come and experience our ministry and encourage us. He definitely encouraged us and made us feel loved and affirmed! While he was here he got to meet many of our friends, preach on the radio, help with Sara's painting classes for children, and preach in a rural church. He also met with local Ugandan Gideons (from Gideons International) as Pat is involved with the Gideons in the USA. This was a delight for him.

Pat also spent a day teaching my Soroti pastors' book group with me. Pat did most of the teaching with a little input from me here and there. He first taught about trust, confessing sin, accountability, and deep friendship between pastors. Then he taught about leadership.

My pastors' book club in Soroti continues to go well. It has grown to nearly 40 pastors. Here is a photo from when we went to a hotel pool, and I did my best to teach a few of them how to swim.

More recently, we had the pastors' group come to our new home for lunch. We gave them a tour of Sara's garden and our fish pond. Sara was able to share cuttings and seeds and do a bit of teaching on a few plants. 

Here are some interesting pictures from our neighborhood from Sara's jogging. The flying insects in the photos are termite "kings and queens" who emerge seasonally to mate and people call them "white ants." People catch them and then fry them up to eat. Sara also fries them up sometimes.

Look at how magical this video is. It's so beautiful.

Our dog Beorn has psychological issues that make him lick his legs until they bleed, so sometimes we put this plastic bottle on him until he heals up. It can be pretty funny the situations he gets himself in such as getting his bowl stuck on his head!

We occasionally get snakes in our yard, but we have not yet gotten any harmful snake species.

We have a friend in Kampala, Jilanne, who is a partner missionary with Resonate Global Mission and works at Kampala Evangelical School of Theology, one of Resonate's partners. She enjoyed spending a week with Sara at our home while I was traveling for Helping Without Hurting in Africa. It sounds like one of the highlights was catching one of our ducks!

Sara continues to try to find time here and there to paint on our walls. It's relaxing for her, and we both love the results.

Here are some animals we see in our yard. The first is a skink. It was running around our kitchen. When I caught him, he bit me. It didn't draw blood, but it was surprising!

A lizard I caught on our outside wall.

Fun with chameleons:

We enjoy our home and where we live. Look at how beautiful Sara's garden is.

Unfortunately, we didn't consider when we chose to move to where we are that there are so many bars nearby. (We live in a center which means there are shops right across the street from us). Sometimes the music at the bars really disrupts our sleep because they play music even to the late hours of the night. LOUD music, that goes way beyond the noise pollution laws. But in Uganda most laws of any kind are not enforced well. Many people in the community are unhappy about the noise. I thought of calling the police myself but never have. After people complained to the local government leaders, this is what happened:

The local leaders warned the bar boys repeatedly, but the boys laughed and didn't listen. So one night the leaders got soldiers from the army to come and those soldiers caught as many of the boys as they could before some ran away. Then they laid them down on the ground and caned them. This is more like a spanking, there were no injuries. Hearing about this we really thought maybe a change was coming! 

Unfortunately the problem remains and the music only gets louder and louder as the months go by. We will continue to talk to our local leaders to see what can be done. I'm summarizing and condensing what is a long saga about this noise with many players and discussions. Please be in prayer for us about this!