
Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Garden Changes

 By Sara:

Although we were only gone from Uganda for 7 weeks during our visit to the US, when we got home, it was amazing to see how much the garden changed when we were away.

The little ducklings above are now the big ducks you see below:

The young rabbits are still cute, but not tiny bunnies that fit in the palm of my hand:

The peanuts were ready to harvest.  This year wasn't as good of a year as last year, but I still got something.  The peanuts are the small plants in the foreground of the picture and the taller bushy plants are pigeon peas.

I was excited to see a flower on my ginger plant for the first time, even though I've been growing it for a few years already:

Pumpkins kind of took over the garden, but I still found carrots, tomatoes, eggplant, herbs, and winged beans in there.

The dogs are pretty much the same as they were: lazy during the day and wildly playful in the mornings and evenings.

My pomegranate tree fruited for the first time this year, so it was fun to share some of the fruits with Ugandan friends who had never seen or tasted a pomegranate before.

It isn't the same variety as what you see in the US, which is why it is more pink than dark red.


  1. Thank you for sharing your garden pictures. So very sorry to hear that many in Uganda have run out of food because the growing season was poor. I pray that God will inspire you about how to provide aid.

    Bill Durkin

  2. Love the baby ducklings and the pomegranate!

  3. Love all these pictures, Sarah and Anthony! I was also great seeing all of this personally. Your garden is amazing!
