
Thursday, July 28, 2022

HWHIA Training with World Renew

 By Anthony:

My co-author Jonny Kabiswa and I were excited to lead a Helping Without Hurting in Africa training in May. It was the first time for us to lead it together using the newly published manuals (also on Amazon)! We have led trainings before but only using the draft versions. We were invited by the World Renew Uganda team to lead the training with them and their partners. The Resonate Uganda team members joined us for the training as well. I was a bit nervous about leading the training with so many development workers, bishops, World Renew board members, and other church leaders from all over Uganda but it was very well received!

Bishop Aaron from PAG said, "All ministers should go under this training." Stephen, a development worker from Church of Uganda said, "I was a bit pessimistic about Helping Without Hurting. I thought the training was just another training. This training has challenged me greatly. It has challenged my development ethos. I will apply it first in my family."

We were given three full days by World Renew during their Partner's Forum. We were able to complete Lessons 1-8. The participants were interested in continuing the training to finish the other 12 lessons. So hopefully in future years there will be a chance to join them again.

There was a lot of great learning, discussion, and mind-set change, for us as teachers as well. I'm confident that as these bishops and development workers plan their initiatives to help materially poor people in their regions that they will be able to now plan more carefully following the principles we have taught.

Here is a photo of most of the people at the training. I was able to give each person a book by pastor Conrad Mbewe, one of my favorite African authors and preachers, that Crossway (the publishing company) sent to me to distribute to leaders in Uganda. We have been giving them mostly to our TLT facilitators and graduates throughout the country.

It was a sweet time of fellowship and Jonny and I are grateful to the World Renew team for giving us this opportunity.

1 comment:

  1. Great news, especially about the evaluation of the training. Also, enjoyed seeing you in a less American shirt.
