
Thursday, May 12, 2022

Kapchorwa Visit

 By Sara:

After an extended time of planning and delaying because of lockdowns and previous engagements, we managed to visit a church in Kapchorwa with the PAG bishop from the area who had invited us all those months ago.  Kapchorwa is beautiful and quite a bit cooler than Soroti because it is at a higher elevation, on the slopes of Mount Elgon.  Most of the Ugandan star runners come from that area, or at the very least train there. We drove by the homes of some Olympians.

Here is the church we visited:

The church wanted to learn about the fireless cooker, so I explained how it works and we started the process of boiling the beans for 10 minutes before the church service:

The training was originally going to just be a certain group of people who were supposed to come early, but they didn't, so we ended up including most people in the church as they were arriving for the service:

The beans stay in the fireless cooker for 4 hours.  Conveniently(?) the church service was really long, so the beans were ready right at the end of church!  There were lots of choirs singing special music:

Another guest preacher gave a short message and then Anthony preached.  The bishop also talked to the church about the denomination's vision and mission.

And then, before everyone went home, we opened up the basket of beans.  It is always fun to see peoples' surprised and amazed reactions:


  1. Great that you could do that. Hope the service didn't require sitting for 4 hours.

    Bill Durkin

  2. Anthony might consider cutting down the length of his sermons (LOL)!
