
Thursday, May 12, 2022

Hiking on Mount Elgon

 By Sara:

On Saturday before our church visit in Kapchorwa, Anthony and I took a hike in Mount Elgon National Park, which is nearby.  We did that once before, in 2010, when we lived in Mbale, so it was fun to do so again.  It is a beautiful place:

People who live near the national park are allowed to come in once a week to collect dry wood off the forest floor for firewood.  Saturdays are the day, so we saw lots of people cutting up branches and carrying it out.

This is a feather from a Great Blue Turaco - pretty cool!

For comparison, here we are in the same national park 12 years ago, when we were brand new to Uganda:


  1. Looks like a very nice part of Uganda. I would like the cooler temps. Love the trees I'm the park.

    Bill Durkin

  2. Beautiful photos! The feather made me think of Ukraine. (We see blue and yellow ribbons, pins, flags, etc. here as people demonstrate their solidarity with Ukraine.)

  3. Beautiful beautiful place. Anthony and Sarah, you are incredible with those hikes!

  4. Beautiful! We love hiking National parks. The views you saw were breathtaking.
