
Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Youth Testimonies

By Sara:

Some of the youth from the Bible studies wanted to share their testimonies about their experiences in the groups so you can hear from them in their own words.






Last, but not least, Jesse wanted to share his testimony in writing:

Praise God,

This is to testify of the bible study fellowship we had in Soroti, Uganda. This gathering of the youth to fellowship in the word of God was overseen by our patron, Sara Sytsma. Through these weekly studies, I was able to gain alot of essential Christian knowledge paramount for a healthy Christian life and bible study skills to apply elsewhere when required to host my own bible study. To explore this further, we learnt about different, very important bible topics such as salvation, faith, baptism, love among others. This has enabled me to understand deeper, the truths in the word of God. Words fail me to to fully acknowledge the significance of this bible study to my Christian life. Without a doubt, it has contributed to my Christian foundation. 


*videos are shared with the permission of the youth and their parents


  1. What wonderful testimonies! It seems that you have made a great impact on these lives by giving them study Bibles and holding Bible studies. Thank you!

  2. These testimonies warm my heart and make me very hopeful for the future of the church in Africa. Thank you, "patron" Sara, for teaching these young people and sharing their appreciation with us. Harvey

    1. It also gives me great joy to think of them serving God in the church as they continue to grow!

  3. Beautiful testimonies! Thank you for sharing and letting us see some of your students and hearing their stories. God certainly moved in a powerful way during the school closure and made a beautiful thing out of a difficult time in the lives of those students.

  4. Praising God with you for how He brought good out of evil and for the exponential difference your Covid Bible study will make in others' lives as these young people share what they learned with their friends.
