
Thursday, March 10, 2022

Animals, Plants, and Churches

 By Anthony:

This is a post of random photos from life and ministry. Enjoy!

First here is a view of Soroti Rock and part of the town:

Here are some beautiful flowers, frogs, birds, and scenery that we saw at a guesthouse we stayed at on the Nile River.

Look closely to see a praying mantis eating the dragonfly.

Here is a meeting with our TLT facilitators, doing planning together.

Here are some pictures of me preaching. I have no idea why I looked so angry! I'm usually a pretty calm and nice preacher, haha.

Sara found this on our dining room table. A baby gecko must have jumped down from the ceiling.

We thoroughly enjoy the many geckos and baby geckos in our house:

In January I had the privilege of going to a writer's workshop to meet various authors for The Gospel Coalition Africa, and also to meet Dr. Conrad Mbewe, one of my favorite authors and preachers. He is from Zambia and was the guest speaker. I was grateful to have the opportunity to share about Helping Without Hurting in Africa with them and to give copies to the participants. 

I visited Magoro PAG out in the village to preach and had a nice time of fellowship with them. I was surprised that they were doing better at wearing masks than the churches in Soroti.

One person brought a piglet as part of their offering, and another person brought a goat. The pastor just kept his foot on both of their ropes for the rest of the service to prevent them from running out. 

Testimony time in the service:

Beautiful church choirs:

Can you find the unexpected creature in the boot/trunk?

Here is a game of Omweso. I love that they can just use the ground and rocks without needing to buy anything. If you watch the videos you can see most of the game progress. Francis, our friend with the hat, finally was the winner.

This video is our dogs playing around, sometimes they are making noise like this all day.

Last, here is a friend's piglets:

1 comment:

  1. Great landscape, wildlife, and horticultural photos!
