
Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Guest Post from Cindy!

*Cindy is from Sara's church in Michigan and spent two months with us as an internship for her Master's degree program.

By Cindy Hannon:

During my short stay here in Soroti, I have had the opportunity to experience many things, meet amazing people, and try a lot of different foods, all despite COVID inconveniences. While tagging along with Sara, a woman who never stops moving, I met people who shared extraordinary stories of the difficulties life had thrown them, all the while just beaming with love for God and others. 

One such woman is Rose, a woman I met in a small village. She shared her remarkable testimony, introduced her beautiful family, and even taught me how to make bricks from termite mounds. Rose uses her testimony to help lead others to Christ. If you catch me in Midland, ask me about Rose and how it was her husband’s truly unconditional love, in addition to divine intervention, that helped her to make a commitment to follow Jesus.

Rose giving us a tour:

Selfies are cool no matter where you live!

Such a cute couple:

I met Jane and her younger girls early on and have met with her and/or her children numerous times over the last couple of months. She is another lady with an incredible story, who has the special skill of making one feel welcomed and appreciated. She is one of the graduates of Anthony’s TLT course, hosts a youth Bible study at her house each week, and reaches out to many people. She is a good friend of Sara.

Jane practicing a Bible story:

It was nice of Sara to share her friend with me.

I also wanted to mention Sara, as I really did not know her until I arrived. Though most have heard about the work she does concerning nutrition, gardening, and baking, there is much more that goes on behind the scenes. As previously mentioned, Sara is always on a mission. It could be learning a recipe, a new gardening technique, or planning a Bible study. But she also makes time to visit with people. Every time we met with someone; she had a special gift for them. For example, reading glasses for a home-bound woman recovering from cancer, cuttings to help someone reestablish a garden, herbs for those who want to add a new flavor to their cooking, or just an ear and time to listen. She has a special way of caring for each of these women, most of whom are the wives of local pastors. She is even providing Bible training for a large group of them, per their request. 

Leading a new Bible class for wives of local pastors.  They requested her help to learn the Bible better.

A few of the ladies who attended:

Sometimes just being there for someone is what matters most.

Getting a tour of a friend's shop:

But my favorite is what she is doing with the youth. Five students asked for help in learning to study the Bible last summer as a way to fill their empty days during one of the COVID lockdowns. She not only trained them, but encouraged them to lead and continues to support the ever-growing group. The original 5 has multiplied into nearly 30! She meets with the group leaders once a week and then with at least one of the smaller groups each Saturday. Because of the size, the huge group split into two and now meets in two different locations on Saturday afternoons. It has been a lot of fun getting to know the kids and seeing their personalities bust out as they got to know me. I am going to miss them all.

These kids are so much fun!  Part of the group at location 1:

Location 2, Jane's house on another day:

What is left of a previously paved road:

 The oven at work!

It has been quite the experience learning from Sara, Anthony, and those I have met in and around Soroti. Plus, much has changed in the last two months. The chicks I saw as eggs are getting big, the garden has filled in, and the sunflowers have bloomed. Though the bugs, power outages, crazy roads with wild traffic, and an obnoxious rooster took a bit to get used to, I will miss Uganda. Especially the chicken and rice, sounds of the farm outside my window, and the warm smiles of so many people. Below are few pictures of just some who I had the pleasure of meeting.

Tom is a high school teacher.  He is showing us around his village:

Tom's family:

 Small group friends:

One of the Katakwi groups I trained on smartphone and computer:

I taught them the finger worm.  They were super impressed:

Sara accepting a gift of chickens - one for her, one for Anthony, and one for me.  They were good:

Not all work.  We took a few days to have some fun:

Super fun group of pastors who attended one of the trainings:

Jane's girls:

Had to include a chicken picture:

The building says "God is good" in English and Kumam:


  1. Please thank Cindy for an excellent post. I really enjoyed learning that Sara is even more wonderful than I already knew. And Cindy takes great pictures. So glad she learned a lot and found out how wonderful missionary life can be. What a terrific witness for the mission and God.

    Bill Durkin

  2. I love Cindy’s passion for youth. Kudos for adapting to the Covid restrictions and remaining productive and relevant!

  3. So fun to see additional pictures of Sara as she frequently is behind the camera. So thankful she shares her many gifts.
