
Thursday, June 10, 2021

Snapshots from Life in Uganda

By Anthony:

First, here is a video of "white ants" (termites) coming out of the ground to breed, and it was a whole family experience to catch them (sorry for the bad video quality). Sara cooked some for us, but the dogs ate as much as they could right off the ground. Our guard also went home with a whole basin full for his family. In all seriousness, it is a cool way that God provides food for people right at the time when food stores start to run out at the beginning of the new planting season.

Here they are de-winged, and about to be cooked. The next picture shows the final product.  They taste a bit like popcorn.

The beauty of Uganda seen right on our road:

Here is a harmless snake that was found in one of Sara's gardens. Our guard killed it. It is a cape wolf snake. Dangerous snakes are around though. Our friends in Soroti, in our same neighborhood, had a 2 meter long Egyptian cobra in their compound recently. They called neighbors for help and people came to kill it.

Below is one of the fusion dishes Sara created, local cassava mixed with bacon and garlic.

This is Walter, one of our day guards, cleaning his dishes.

How our house looks these days:

Here is a dead lizard in the yard. We have a lot of lizards. I love them. Right now we are enjoying finding baby geckos in every room of the house.

A full vehicle, and a guy riding on the side:

After leading the marriage retreat, the pastors gave us a turkey. We kept it for a week or two before eating it. One day it kept knocking at the front door, trying to get in.

We love buying avocados. All of these were only $1.38.

We often get frogs in the house, sometimes living in a toilet. We like them too, but those we put outside.

Here are videos of people dancing at an introduction (a traditional wedding, prior to the church wedding)

This is Sara's new stove that she had a friend from church build for her out of an old barrel. It worked well!

We have had a visitor, Cindy, staying with us since May, so we have a lot more pictures than usual. It's nice to have someone who sees things with fresh eyes and is also able to capture photos of us while we do ministry or go about our daily life. Here she is visiting a pastor's wife with Sara:

Cindy led a three day smartphone, photography, and computer training for the pastors who are on my TLT team (the core pastors who do a lot of TLT trainings with me). It was a success and they found it tremendously helpful! Cindy was patient, cheerful, and also very knowledgeable. I learned a few things too! Here are pictures from that training:

Our doggies:

In this video you'll see that Caleb can catch food but Beorn tries to dodge it. Beorn's been a bad dog lately, eating chicken eggs. If you have good ideas on training him out of it, let us know!

Pictures of us you may not normally get:

Sara and her friend Jane:

Last, here is Sara leading a Bible study and a nutrition lesson and me preaching about God's sovereignty from the story of Joseph in Genesis.


  1. I hope you realize what a wonderful life you have. I am sure there are plenty of problems and challenges but your life seems so much more "real" than most people's in America. I think you must be able to concentrate on "the main things" without so many of the western distractions.

    Bill Durkin

    1. Thanks Bill! I truly am grateful for my life, even with some few challenges that are there. Life does seem a bit more organic here, but then again there are still online distractions, you see how much time I spend on facebook! I try to limit myself though.

  2. Beautiful pictures! (Ok maybe not the bugs - lol!) It strikes me how colorful the Uganda culture is. Thank you for sharing.

    1. When you visit in the future we will allow you to pass on that one :)

  3. Thanks for all the photos! It was so good to see you and Sara in 'everyday life'. :)
