
Thursday, March 5, 2020

Bible Studies and Agriculture in Kabale

By Sara:

One of the Ugandan organizations World Renew works with is located in the southwest of the country in a place called Kabale.  Each year, representatives from all the Ugandan partner organizations get together with World Renew staff, so we have had the chance to get to know some of the people who work in Kabale with the Pentecostal Assemblies of God (PAG) churches in that area.  The PAG Kabale pastors and development staff invited me and Anthony to come and share some of our trainings with them, but since it takes 2 days to travel from Soroti to Kabale, it took us a while until we were able to organize a visit which worked for everyone.  They did a great job of inviting and coordinating different groups of people interested in the various topics we had to offer so Anthony and I could travel together and both have work to do each day.  I taught Bible studies and agriculture to one group, and baking and the fireless cooker to another group.

Here's a picture of a beautiful evening in Kabale:

For two of my days of training in Kabale, I had a small group of people who joined me for Bible studies on creation and agriculture and some simple agriculture lessons.  They were a committed group and very interactive.  We had engaging discussions about the Bible passages and they all were able to make excellent plans for how they could obey what they learned from Scripture.

On the second day, a couple of the group members led the Bible studies so they could get practice being facilitators.  They did a great job of asking follow-up questions and guiding the group through the Bible study steps.  I am confident they will be excellent Bible study facilitators as they go out and put what they learned into practice.


  1. That is so cool. I loved the write-ups your classes produced.

    Bill Durkin

  2. What a great idea for the students to become the teachers on the second day! I love how you and Anthony always try to give your students the ability to pass on what they learn so that everyone’s efforts are constantly multiplied!

  3. It looks so beautiful! I so enjoy hearing how the people are responding and being encouraged by your teaching.

  4. Thank you! I hope people pass on things they value from what they learned!
