
Thursday, March 5, 2020

Baking Cakes and Scones in Kabale

By Sara:

As part of my training time in Kabale, I had two days to teach a group from two Pentecostal Assemblies of God (PAG) churches about baking cakes and scones without an oven.  They were a very focused group and caught on quickly.

Steaming a cake:


The maize cake (cornbread) was the favorite.  After the lesson was over, some of the group stayed behind to make another big maize cake - doubling the recipe.  And two days later, someone who wasn't even in the training had a participant share the instructions with her so she could make a maize cake too (she brought some pieces for me and Anthony to taste!)

Day 2: making scones

At the end of the two days, the participants divided into groups based on the church they attend and made some plans for how they will put their new knowledge into practice.  Some of them planned to train young people in their church to make cakes and then will form a bigger group with those trainees to start baking cakes as a business.  One lady planned to start baking scones and selling them near her home.  But each person is definitely going to make a cake for their family within the next month!

Baking Part 2:

After returning home to Soroti, I received some pictures from one of the church groups in Kabale about how they put their baking skills into practice, so the below pictures are compliments of Sarah, who was one of the facilitators of this training in Rwakaraba PAG church.

I am always excited to see people putting their skills into practice and sharing them with others!  My hope is for people to take what they learned and spread the knowledge rather than relying on me to teach everyone.

At Rwakaraba PAG, about 30 women and youth attended the training on baking cakes and scones:


  Practical learning:

  Some of the products from the training:



I think they have already improved on what they learned a couple weeks ago and produced some very professional looking baked goods!


  1. I notice some men in some of the pictures. Do men cook in this culture?

    1. There are a good number of men who know how to and do cook, but it is more common for women to do the cooking at home. Everyone enjoys baking cakes though!

  2. The enjoyment of learning makes me smile as well.
