
Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Coaching TLT Trainers

By Anthony:

Now that I'm back in Uganda, I have been so encouraged that TLT has continued to impact those who graduated as well as their families and churches. And other new groups have started since the graduation, and even more groups are starting soon. For me, this means I have been spending less time facilitating TLT, and more time looking at the bigger picture for World Renew's TLT programs in East Africa.

The opportunities for TLT have become many, and I cannot keep up with all the requests. So I'm focusing on building up and coaching other trainers who can facilitate new groups. I spend personal time with them, working through their reports with them, and submitting them to World Renew and Timothy Leadership Training Institute. In May, I taught trainers in Amuria and helped them to set up an Amuria Area TLT Coordination team so that as a team they can bring TLT to many of the churches in the district over time. I've also been collecting more testimonies from the TLT graduates which I will share eventually in another post. Although I will continue to facilitate some new TLT groups, and teach some of the extra optional TLT manuals to the groups I trained in the past (for further learning), most of my time in the coming years will be spent overseeing the various TLT programs in the region and equipping other leaders, giving them the coaching, encouragement, and the TLT resources that they will need. The Amuria coordination team:

This is a big task! Pray that God provides me good leaders to help me in all of this work. Pray that I have wisdom to know when to say "no" to training requests. I have to do that too much which is difficult for me. But I also have a limit in time, and this wonderful training is not intended to be done only by me.

Below are some photos from when I helped to start the coordination team in Amuria. We spent two days doing intense training on how to start TLT groups, and how to be a good facilitator. I also made sure to start them with a library of TLT materials that they can use to photocopy from. They really appreciated the training and I had a great time as well. I am so blessed to have this work that God and his people have given to me!

We spent several hours creating, dissecting, and critiquing action plans. We also took time to have each person practice facilitating and critiquing each other.

The coordinator for this team is Eselu George William. He is a great friend and colleague in ministry. Sara and I taught him at Pentecostal Theological College back in 2009-2010, so it has been such a blessing to see him grow over the years in knowledge and ministry skill. He will lead this team well and he has become an expert in TLT now!

We also took a look at the few manuals that various servants have translated into Ateso over the years. Most of the trainings this team will carry out will be done in a mixture of English and Ateso, or Ateso only. The team gave specific duties to each team member (nine people total). They also decided to try to raise some small funds to help them with transport costs and photocopying costs. They are going to meet regularly, and in their next meeting in June, they are going to go through the preaching manual together to review it and familiarize themselves with the new version that just came out. I will continue to oversee this group (and other groups which will be formed) as they meet and carry out trainings.

Also, much of my work now is from home, meeting with pastors, encouraging them, praying for them, equipping them, and advising them in their work. Here is a photo of me explaining TLT forms and procedures to three pastors.

1 comment:

  1. "Instruct the wise, and they will be even wiser. Teach the righteous, and they will learn even more" Proverbs 9:9
