
Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Assortment of Misc. Photos

By Anthony:

Enjoy these random photos and videos from our home and travels over the last couple months. First here is a photo of me preaching at a village church in Amuria: Wila PAG church.

Here is Beorn sleeping on random things, including Sara's feet:

Chicken feet that were later cooked and fed to cats in Kenya:

A snake found in our yard which our day guard worker killed. I sent the photos to some experts and they said it is a spotted bush snake, totally harmless. Most snakes we find are little green snakes like this that are harmless. There are about twenty species of little harmless green snakes in East Africa if I recall correctly from the reptile book I read through.  But there are also lots of venomous snakes so people kill them just to be safe.

This was in Karamoja as we and other World Renew staff were going to visit some farmers and see their demonstration garden:

This was in Kampala at World Renew's Partner's Forum where a few people from all of our church partners come together once a year for some presentations and networking. It's always a good time of fellowship seeing people we know from all over Uganda. At the forum Sara and I both shared about work we could do with the partners, time permitting, over the coming years.

Various critters around our home, including this super giant spider who was just hoping that my head would get caught in its web!

Excellent Ugandan food we were served at a friend's house:

A beautiful view from a hotel in Seeta (near Kampala):

Goats hiding under a truck from the rain:

Sara serving up a buffet of fruit scraps for the goats, rabbits, chickens, ducks, and dogs in the yard:

Here is a video of driving through a congested part of town in Soroti:

A rare moment captured of me driving without road rage!

Rice fields we passed by while driving:

One of the views in downtown Soroti:

We like to climb a small rocky hill in Soroti sometimes. It gives us a great view:

Feeding our new goats:


  1. Anthony, I will pray for your road rage. God has calmed me down over the years, enabling me to be less annoyed and bothered by other's driving. I've prayed many times for my own problem and know Jesus grants us peace in this area since he would not be bothered by crazy driving.

  2. So fun that I was there for so many of those pictures ☺️

  3. Thanks for sharing so many different aspects of your lives through photos. It's so fun to see the different people, animals, scenes and activities of your day-to-day. 😍 We prayed for your driving challenges and continued safety on the roads at our Timothy Team meeting Tuesday night!
