
Wednesday, November 22, 2023

A few photos from our time in the USA

By Anthony:

In this post I'll share a few photos from our time in the US. I'm not going to share about everything we did or show photos from all of our visits to family and friends. Here are only a few selected snapshots.

We were able to get good quality time with everyone in each of our families. Here are just a few photos. The first is with my parents:

Sara's parents:

The Sytsma clan:

We enjoyed peaceful farmland. 50,000,000 people are crammed into the small country of Uganda, so quiet places like this were a nice change.

Sara got to see lots of goats.

We visited and presented in 16 churches, and visited some churches multiple times. It was a lot of traveling around the country, but it was a joy to be with God's people.

And we had some chances to do fun things. We hiked in Texas at Palo Duro Canyon State Park.

We hiked at Great Sand Dunes National Park in Colorado. We even did sand sledding there.

I caught a kangaroo rat there, which was running around our campsite every evening. They are really cool animals.

We were surrounded by buffalo in Custer State Park:

We enjoyed the fall colors at Lake Michigan.

Sara made some cool acorn people.

We even had time for a few games of cornhole!

I'll be sharing more reflections about our time in the US soon, but for now enjoy these photos.


  1. Great acorn people!! That’s fun. Looks like you visited some beautiful places. We may have to replicate some of your journey ourselves. I’m a sucker for a long road-trip.

    1. Great Sand Dunes National Park is definitely worth it, hard to really capture it in photos. One of the stranger places on earth.

  2. Lars and Kathy AndersenNovember 22, 2023 at 8:28 PM

    Thanks for the pictures! Your house looks really nice, sorry you had to be faced with the ants and electrical problems on your return. It was great seeing you both!
