
Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Skip's Photos of Kampala and Soroti

 By Anthony: 

Skip VandenBerg was able to get a lot of great photos during his and Mary's visit to us in August. I would like to share these photos with you so that you can get a sense of what Uganda is like, and what our town Soroti is like. It's a vibrant place full of activity, people hard at work, friendly smiles, and beautiful sights, yet there is also poverty, trash, and traffic chaos. All of that together makes life interesting every day.

Here are some photos from driving around in Kampala:

A couple photos from the highways on long journeys through the country. This guy is pouring water on the chickens to keep them alive on top of this taxi.

These next two photos are from Jinja where Sara and I often stop on long journeys for a bathroom break. Here is Uwepo plant nursery in Jinja where Sara is buying tree seedlings, and where we can buy some vegetables not found in Soroti.

Here is Soroti, the small city where we live, yet it is a bustling city each day with people who come in for business from the whole region.

I'd like to know what the bicyclist on the bicycle taxi was thinking:

Where we usually get our photocopying done and making of training manuals:

Some of Soroti's roads have become narrow:

Sharpening a panga (machete) using an old bicycle:

Outside the new main market which is a really fancy big building and so much nicer and cleaner than the old market:

Inside the market:

We found Grace from our church at her shop within the market building and prayed for her business:

With Rose, one of the market ladies that Sara has gotten to know and regularly talks to:

Children sledding down Soroti Rock:

Sara and Mary picking out fabric:

These next pictures are near our home. We like to walk next to the people who are baking bricks.

Check out this lady's skills:

Skip also took some animal pictures. This one is a common reed frog. Despite its appearance, it is not poisonous.


  1. thanks for the pics

  2. Thanks Skip, Very interesting and I enjoyed them. Ed G

  3. Thanks so much for sharing! Brings back good memories of my mission trips! Mary G.

  4. It was so much fun to look at these pictures. I was especially impressed with the beautiful market. It is so nice that you took pictures from "above." I don't know how anyone stays alive in the traffic.

  5. Loved having this 360-degree picture of your surroundings. What beautiful, diverse people and places!

  6. I want to visit your market & that fabric store! Reminds me of a yarn shop Matt & I found in Ireland… it took a while to get me to leave. 😆
    What type of merchants are on the second level of the market?

    1. The second floor includes some shops and more food items. The third floor is the tailors who make and sell clothes
