
Tuesday, February 21, 2023

My Articles at The Gospel Coalition Africa

By Anthony:

Recently, my co-author Jonny Kabiswa and I were given the opportunity to write articles for The Gospel Coalition Africa, to showcase some of the ideas from one lesson of our book Helping Without Hurting in Africa. These articles were adapted from our lesson called - "Working for God's Glory." This was a generous opportunity that TGC Africa gave us, and we were very grateful. We enjoyed writing these articles together, and it was an opportunity to let more African leaders know about our book. I am sharing them with you just in case a few of you are interested to read them.

Work: God’s Blessing Or A Punishment?

If Your Motivation for Work is Low, God Can Fill It Up

7 Ways to Honour God as You Work

Your Job is a Blessing, Both for You and Your Community

Christians in Business: Necessary or Naive?

Is Wealth Creation Evil?


  1. Thank you for sharing. I like your description of work!

    1. Thank you Melissa for taking the time to read those :)
