
Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Uganda TLT Update and TLT Video Testimony

By Anthony:

Here is a video of Stephen Omoko who I work with explaining his ministry and giving an update about the ministry of TLT in Uganda. Please give it a watch. We are grateful for your support for TLT and for your prayers. This is a program that we have to continue to fund raise for. If you would like to become a regular financial partner to help with our TLT programs in East Africa, please get in touch with me.

Recently Sara and I visited Opus Moses, one of my former TLT graduates, who continues to be impacted by what he learned in TLT. He is a reverend, and he is also one of the active TLT facilitators teaching TLT both voluntarily in his home area and sometimes being sent out by Stephen to lead new TLT groups on behalf of Resonate. In this video, he is sharing about how TLT trained him in action planning, which has helped him to plan for his own home farm and given him the courage to try new initiatives. He called us up specifically to ask us to come and visit him so that he could share his testimony.


  1. TLT is an extremely important program. I hope there are many who God motivates to support your work, Anthony.
