
Thursday, October 27, 2022

More Pictures from the Abim Visit

By Anthony:

We visited Morulem in Abim with Skip and Mary VandenBerg while they were here in August. Sara already posted about that, but we received some more photos from Skip so I wanted to share a few more with you. It's not often that we have a gifted photographer around who takes photos of us engaged in ministry.

First here is a video of us driving. You can see how driving can be tiring when you drive for a few hours on a road like this. Very bumpy.

The trickiest thing about driving on a road like this is not a worry about getting stuck, or worry about the bumps. The hard thing is the puddles because you have to slow down a lot for every puddle so that you don't splash the people walking and riding on bicycles that are continually on the road with you. On roads like this you can choose to drive on whatever side looks the best at any given moment.

The Abim area is breathtakingly beautiful.

This is a very common way for people to travel because it's cheap. There might be 30-40 people in the back of that lorry. When a lorry like this falls off the road or hits another vehicle, very many people die. After writing this post, I just saw in the news that one of these fell off Awoja bridge near Soroti, and five people died instantly, and another 8 had serious broken bones.

This home in Morulem is a bit different from the homes in Teso, the region we live in. Here they make fences/walls for better security from cattle rustlers.

Reading the Bible during Sara's Bible study teaching:

Mary, me, and our friend David answering questions from the pastors and other church leaders at the end of the day:

After Mary preached, David invited people to commit their lives to Christ. Many people and children came forward. David said that many of the people there were not from the church but they came that day. You can see them on their knees praying with us. It's hard or impossible to know how many of the people were genuinely beginning a new life with Christ and how many were just joining in the excitement of praying with the visitors. But we trust that God was at work in ways that we cannot easily see.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photos. May God continue to draw these potential new converts to Himself.
