
Wednesday, June 1, 2022

The Prosperity Gospel and Homosexuality

By Anthony:

Synod is approaching in the Christian Reformed Church in the month of June. This is a unique Synod in that the delegates have three years of material to work through due to the pandemic cancellations. They are also addressing the Human Sexuality Report which tackles difficult issues such as homosexuality and transgenderism. Many CRC leaders have been writing articles to think through these topics together, and I have written one as well. In my article I review a documentary on Netflix, but in the process look in detail at some different views about homosexuality and their connections with the prosperity gospel. I would love for you to read it, and also I request that you pray for wisdom and guidance for the delegates at Synod.

Reflections on Netflix's Pray Away


  1. Anthony,
    I read your article and thought it was well written, analytical, and sensible. I have not seen the film since we don't subscribe to Netflix, only YouTube TV that my wife watches, but I trust your judgement on the film.

    1. Thank you! Appreciate that you took time to read it.

  2. This was beautifully written! I am a mother of two homosexual boys who have walked away from the church because of how they felt judged. I am praying that they would fall in love with Jesus and that Christians would not be a hindrance to this. That passionate relationship with Christ must come first and the Holy Spirit will make the changes in His perfect time.

    1. Thank you for the comment and for sharing some of your story. I will pray for you and your family right now. Totally agree with you that it's all about Christ!

  3. You article on the Netflix film was excellent – so articulate and clearly reasoned. I had not heard of the film but now plan to view it, with your critique in mind.

    1. Thank you Pam! If you watch it, let me know if you think my critique was fair

  4. I loved your review. I have yet to see the film but, lots of great insight. Funny Moo and I were just talking, and asking questions on this subject the other day. Your thoughts and analysis give me a lot to think about. To apply to my own life, views, and interaction with others. We just had a gay couple reach out to us about coming to our church. And have some friends with differing views. I think these ideas will help me develop my approach, as I’m not comfortable and don’t feel well-equipped navigating these situations.

    1. Matt, it's great to hear from you and thank you for the encouragement. It's a hard topic to write about, easy to offend people, so I'm grateful for the feedback. That is really awesome that a gay couple is thinking about coming to your church. May God help you to build up a meaningful friendship with them.
