
Wednesday, June 1, 2022

The Prosperity Gospel and Homosexuality

By Anthony:

Synod is approaching in the Christian Reformed Church in the month of June. This is a unique Synod in that the delegates have three years of material to work through due to the pandemic cancellations. They are also addressing the Human Sexuality Report which tackles difficult issues such as homosexuality and transgenderism. Many CRC leaders have been writing articles to think through these topics together, and I have written one as well. In my article I review a documentary on Netflix, but in the process look in detail at some different views about homosexuality and their connections with the prosperity gospel. I would love for you to read it, and also I request that you pray for wisdom and guidance for the delegates at Synod.

Reflections on Netflix's Pray Away

Resonate Team Retreat

 By Sara:

Thank you all for praying for us and supporting our East and Southern Africa team this March as we were able to go on our first team retreat in three years!  We all went to South Africa, near the border of Lesotho.  It was a great time of fellowship, getting to know each other in person, and resting and having fun together.  The Uganda team got to experience Uganda airlines to get to and from South Africa:

We were all overwhelmed by how good the roads we traveled on in South Africa were:

The retreat was in a beautiful place and we enjoyed good weather for the whole time we were there, which was great since we got to spend lots of time outside:

 Many of us went on hikes, including one to see cave paintings which are 200-300 years old!

There were lots of fearless bushbuck around the grounds of the hotel:

We discovered that Stephen is an excellent volleyball player.  In fact, he's pretty scary when he runs up to the net to spike the ball! 😀

We didn't spend all out time outside; there was an art activity, which was actually a really good way to get to know each other better and hear stories about our backgrounds and relationships we value.

Here is our whole team, plus some family members.  Not everyone was able to come with their spouse, but it was wonderful to have the spouses who were available to join us.  We have team members from Uganda, Kenya, Zambia, and South Africa: