
Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Pallisa Cover Crops (and more)

 By Sara:

About a year after I taught about cover crops to some farmers in Pallisa and gave maybe a couple pounds of seeds to 5 farmers for them to multiply for their group of around 150, I made a second visit to some of those farms.  This (below on the left) is Okiria, who was very impressed that the jackbeans he planted in October were still green and healthy after 3 months of no rain:

Since we were at his farm, he also showed off his really nice piggery:

And another farmer, David, who has been growing the cover crops, showed us his chickens:

But the exciting part of the day for me, was when all the 150 farmers got together to review cover crops, hear from the 5 who have been multiplying seeds, and finally get their own seeds to try at home.  Remember I only gave a total of a couple pounds of seeds.  These sacks of seeds were from just one of the 5 farmers - there was more from the others! (the top of the sacks come up about to my waist)

I was really impressed by how much effort these farmers put into growing and collecting these seeds to help each other and I'm looking forward to seeing how their knowledge spreads to their friends and neighbors.


  1. That's wonderful! Thank you for posting this. It is very encouraging.

  2. Beautiful--how encouraging. Thank you for sharing your knowledge (and love) with these farmers. I am very grateful for their willingness (and excitement) to try these new seeds and share the wonderful results with others. Harvey

  3. The compounding is just beginning! How exciting to see how your investment is beginning to multiply. (It is amazing how green those plants are after three months without rain. And that is the nicest pig sty I have ever seen!)
