
Thursday, October 14, 2021

Radio Ministry Article and Video Testimony

By Anthony:

Our radio program, Going Deeper: The Bible and Theology Hour, continues to go well. Thank you for your prayers and support! People especially appreciated the program over the lockdown when they were not able to go to church. But we have many listeners from all over our region who tune in faithfully, even after churches have been opened again. On our website, we had some issues with our file storage of recordings, so many of the older recordings are not working right now, but we'll hopefully have that fixed soon.

Stephen Omoko, my Resonate colleague, has been teaching a series on marriage and family, and it is extremely popular. Many people call him each week for counseling. Please read his excellent article about his counseling through this radio ministry:

Ministry in Uganda: Teletherapy is the New Normal

Some of us from our radio team also were able to visit Aremo Rachel, one of our most faithful listeners. She has been struggling during the lockdowns because she is a teacher and schools have been closed. She is blind and teaches blind students. She was greatly encouraged by our radio teachings and calls me often. She most of all appreciated understanding theologically why God allows suffering in our lives, and how he can use it for good. When we visited, we were able to provide some financial help and also connected her with a friend who was able to give her a Proclaimer (an audio Bible device). She now listens to the Bible every day and is continuing to listen to our radio program every week. Here is Moses with Rachel. Moses is a good friend and one of the translators on the program.

It is better to listen to Rachel's own words instead of just listening to me. Here is Rachel's video testimony:


  1. Replies
    1. The video is embedded in the post, so you shouldn't need a link. But if that one is not working, try this one -

  2. It was so helpful to read Stephen's article on the teletherapy he is doing with listeners of the radio broadcast. There are no easy answers to the situations in these people's lives. I am inspired to pray for wisdom for him as the Spirit works through him to restore families.
