
Thursday, April 22, 2021

Interesting Pictures and Videos

 By Sara:

Here are some interesting pictures from the past months:

Beorn likes to sleep on...anything:

An interesting tiny praying mantis from the garden:

The bathroom door in our room at a guest house:

We're just going to assume it's paint or varnish...

A latrine for "women" or for "we men"? Or for "weeing men"?

Where can we get gasoling?

We stayed at a guest house which had lots of monkeys running around everywhere.  Anthony was in heaven, until some nocturnal primate was playing on the roof of our room all night.

Sunset on the Nile River:

Sunset over Soroti:

An adventurous farmer in Soroti grew beets and brought me some, including this monstrous one:

Ping pong in a gentle rain:

A tiny frog in a guest house bathroom (staying in hotels in Uganda is always an adventure):

A White-browed Coucal who loves to sit on our clothesline or roof and call like this all day long:

Anthony says this ice cream bar wasn't as good as advertised:

I have 12 ducklings!  They are not nearly this small anymore, but when they were tiny fuzzballs, they were cuter, so this is the picture and video you want to see:


  1. Such interesting pictures Sara... A reminder that your life is so much different than ours! Praying that God will continue to bless you and make you a blessing

  2. love the pics, praying for you guys today

    1. Good to hear from you Joel, really appreciate the prayers! When are you coming to visit?

  3. Nice! I think... "weeing men" HaHa. Praying your retreat goes well

  4. Great pics. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Love seeing a slice of your life!
