
Thursday, January 28, 2021

Pictures - December and January

By Sara:

Christmas is usually the last time we see rain until March or April of the next year, but this year, both on Christmas and New Year's, we had some seriously heavy rain, including a full rainbow on Christmas:

Our traditional Christmas decorations and Advent candle lighting:
A little bit of Christmas baking/art:
The Millennium Falcon and a TIE fighter, in case you don't know.
Christmas tree breadsticks:
My traditional Christmas sweet roll which is supposed to be a wreath, but won't fit in my small oven in one piece, so it becomes two Cs:
I had a Christmas "end of the year" party with the youth from the Bible study group.  They did some creative cookie decorating, baked a cake, and drank lots of passionfruit juice.  It was their first experience decorating Christmas cookies (and eating them) and fun was had by all.  There was lots of sugar involved so they might have had trouble sleeping that night!
Some of the beautiful scenery around Soroti:

A bit of silliness with our dogs.  First, weighing Beorn with a luggage hand scale:

And the dogs sneaking inside when the front door wasn't latched:

Good information to know (100,000 shillings = about $30):


Ugandans are much more realistic than Americans with their mannequins:

 A bus park in Mbale:

In December, we had the opportunity to go to Jinja for a retreat.  It was a restful time of prayer, reflection, and meditation on our work and lives.

Among other things, we enjoyed the hammock and the bathroom:


  1. Excellent pics to portray both the hazzards and delights that comprise your lives. Thanks!

  2. Beautiful pictures. Thanks for posting

  3. Those are my kind of mannequins! Love it!

  4. Beautiful and fun pictures! I love getting a glimpse of life in Uganda.
