
Thursday, October 22, 2020

Another Soroti Clay Oven

 By Sara:

A few months ago, a church women's leader in Soroti asked me to help her and her daughter build a clay oven at their house.  It turns out we are fairly close neighbors, so I can walk over to their house in just about 5 minutes.  We had fun stomping the clay and sand together and working hard on construction:

Margaret wanted to have an oven at her house because her daughter, Esther, is very enthusiastic about baking and might try to start up a business selling what she makes.  She also wanted an example to try out in order to see if it would be helpful to build such an oven at the church eventually.

We built a bigger oven than I've made before since they had enough materials and thought it would be more practical for a business to bake more things at once.  I enjoyed doing something new with the oven size and the challenge of mixing way more building materials.

After the oven was fully dry, we planned a day to try it out.  We baked all kinds of fun things: roasted sweet potatoes, pizza, pita bread, loaves, sweet potato scones, carrot cake, banana bread, and cornbread muffins.  I thought I could bake a lot in my oven - what can be made in a bigger oven is even more impressive!

The whole family appreciated all the effort Esther put into learning to bake all these things - they got to enjoy tasting everything at breakfast and lunch!


  1. It always makes me smile to see the ladies working so hard wearing beautiful dresses. It looks like a great project. And I am amazed at how many things you baked that day!

  2. Sounds delicious — and hopeful for Esther’s future!
