
Thursday, January 2, 2020

Pictures from normal life

By Anthony:

These are just random photos from our lives. This first one is outside of church one day:

Taking a walk around our neighorhood:

At a friend's home in the village. Grass thatched huts are kept meticulously clean:

On the hood of our vehicle, can you spot the little gecko?

Or maybe you can see him in this one?

Tasty managu (a type of greens) and githeri (maize and beans) in Kenya:

I finally got around to getting my hammock out. The dogs like to keep me company:

Doing some cooking together in our big kitchen which we are very grateful for:

Sara's Christmas and birthday gift from me:

A banana tree growing in our yard:

A big snail we found on our walk:

Beorn is unable to rest and sleep without his head touching something:

Tiny frog we found in our house:

Recently I preached in Luwala. It was nice to know several of the leaders there in different ways. The pastor on the left, Charles, was our student in 2009 and we've kept in touch and both Sara and I have done some trainings with him. Next to him is Simon, one of my former TLT students. In the middle is Silas who works for PAG's development organization in Kaberamaido that World Renew partners with. And next to me is Mark, a missionary friend from the UK who lives in Soroti.

This last photo and videos are of our day guards chopping down a papaya tree. Their names are Paul and Walter and they alternate weeks, but came together on this day to help remove the tree. The tree was really soft and came down quickly, and the whole inside was hollow, filled with water.


  1. Nice pics! Not sure about the industrial strength snail, though it brought back memories of our kids playing with the slugs that seemed to like areas in our yard years ago. But I really, really like Sarah's Christmas chair! Have seen several variations of the chair and always thought it would be a great way to read and enjoy music or a nap. Hope it's a treasured gift and favorite spot!

  2. Yes it's getting a lot of use already!
