
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Baringo TLT Trainings and Graduation

By Anthony:

In November, we traveled to Kenya to finish up the last of my TLT trainings with the Anglican Diocese in Baringo County. Although we had a minor accident on the way (Sara will write a post about that), we made it safely and had a great week of trainings, culminating in a simple but meaningful graduation.

This time our drive was more relaxing since we took a driver instead of our own vehicle. This meant we were not harassed by police the whole way. On the return journey, I was able to grab a video of the lineup to the border between Kenya and Uganda since I wasn't driving. For about 5 kilometers we passed endless trucks who were waiting to cross the border. Passenger vehicles are just supposed to pass them (but there is no one there to tell you that), but you do so in the other lane, so things can get squeezed and scary often, as you can see in the video. When the shoulder disappears, (as has happened to us in the past), it gets interesting!

In Baringo, we spent Monday through Wednesday finishing the last required TLT manual, "Praising God in Work and Worship." It is about how to glorify God in all things, whether in our daily work or in our worship services. We had good discussions about:
  • We are commanded by God to rest. Most of the pastors are still not having any day of rest.
  • There is need to rebuke people in the church who are living in sin, even if they are big financial givers.
  • Daily Bible reading is very important for our church members, so we need to teach people how to read and write, or try to purchase audio Bibles.
  • We need to do mundane chores like cleaning our homes with a good attitude.
  • A good worship service is a dialogue between God and people, with God speaking to us through Scripture, and us responding in prayer and song, back and forth, back and forth.
  • We need to be careful about ritualism in worship, always doing and saying the same things. We need variety. We need to write new songs. And particularly, the Anglican pastors want to write new indigenous songs besides the ones they received from the UK. For example, Christmas hymns that mention snow aren't terribly relevant in Baringo.
  • It is very important that we make room in our worship services for lament prayers and lament songs. Christians should not have to pretend that they are always happy with no suffering in their lives.
  • We debated issues about the Lord's Supper. How often should we take it? Should children take it? Should we use normal food or special food? Should it be a small amount of food or a whole meal?

I was blessed to hear reports of their previous action plans regarding "Teaching the Christian Faith." Here are just a few of many wonderful reports:

Bunyatta and Kibichii started Sunday school rallies. They had Sunday school children gather together for fellowship, Bible study and games. One rally had 96 children and another had 54 children. These rallies attracted children from the community. Now in every local church of the parish, there are at least 5 more children attending Sunday school in each church.

William and Cherop trained 6 elders to lead worship services and preach in their churches.

Kibusia wanted to start an income generating project with the men’s ministry. He taught the men about the importance of work, and then he donated 2 acres of land for the project. They bought grass seeds, planted grass, and then harvested the grass and sold it. The money went back to the church for the development of the church building. Through this work two men, who had previously left the church, joined in with the project and are now attending church services again.

Bowen taught 6 of the 8 Sunday school teachers in his parish about how to teach children well in Sunday school. The teachers are now coming on time, and the children are now memorizing verses from the Bible together.

After the discussions and reports, all the leaders wrote new action plans about work and worship. Here are a few:
  • Biwott is going to start cleaning his church latrines every week even though he is the reverend overseeing the whole parish. He hopes that church members will begin to follow his example and continue cleaning them as a regular ministry
  • Elizabeth is going to train 3 new Sunday school teachers.
  • Cherutich is going to plant 1 acre of grass, sell it, and give the money to his church.
  • Kibusia and Kiplagat are going to start a weekly Bible study class for their church members.
  • Kibichii is going to buy a lawnmower for his church and clean the church compound regularly.
  • Bowen is going to write a new worship song after meditating on the Psalms, and he will teach the new song to his congregation.

I had some frustration with people showing up late on the first day, and I wondered what would happen if I just started even with only one person there. I mentioned my idea to the one pastor who was there on time. He said he has done that very thing! One Sunday, there was not a single person at church with him when the service was supposed to start. But he put on his robe, and went to the pulpit and began the service. Most of the people were an hour late. But he said, "the next Sunday everyone came on time!"

After we finished the work and worship manual, we spent two days going through a facilitation training. I was explaining to them more about how Timothy Leadership Training works, how to write reports, how to start new groups, and how to manage group discussions. About half of the group members were able to practice leading a lesson and then they each received critique and feedback about how they did as a facilitator.

They elected group officers to lead their new TLT coordination team. They are serious about TLT in this diocese. These graduates will start 5 new groups in each of the 5 archdeaconries of the diocese. After these groups finish, perhaps in about two years, all of those new graduates will be able to then take the training down to the parish level, or even to the local church level, so that almost all of the church leaders in the diocese can be trained in TLT, both ordained and non-ordained leaders.

Part of the facilitation training included action planning practice so that they can be experts at helping others make action plans:

At the end of the week, we had a very nice and inexpensive graduation. It was only the participants of the training themselves who attended. Three of the graduates were also our students at Berea Christian College in Kenya, so that was even more special for us.

Here is Elizabeth giving a testimony:

I gave a speech about why we were going to do the foot washing. As Christ washed his disciples' feet as a servant, and sacrificed himself on the cross for our salvation, so also we should be servant leaders. And particularly, I encouraged the leaders to look at the foot washing as a symbolic reminder that they should also sacrifice to go out and start more TLT groups, to teach others what they have learned.

First, I washed the feet of Bishop Musa, himself a graduate. And then he washed my feet. And then we washed everyone else's feet together. Their feet were dried with a towel that says "Timothy Leadership Training" on it which they got to keep.

Here is Philip, the one who was elected to lead the new TLT coordination team as they start new groups together. Philip was also our student at Berea College.

Sara managed to bake a cake that morning for the graduation!

Here are most, not all, of the 21 graduates. 9 people graduated as basic trainers, meaning that they finished the first 3 manuals. And 12 graduated as advanced trainers, meaning that they completed all 6 manuals.

I was surprised by two of the participants, Bunyatta and William. They informed me that the TLT trainings spurred each of them, separately, to make additional action plans for their families. They both made an action plan to build a new permanent house (instead of a grass-thatched hut), and both of their new houses are almost finished. Here is Bunyatta with us below, and below that is a picture of his house in progress. It's awesome to see what people achieve when they make good plans and commit them to God!


  1. These are great photos and great stories!

  2. You must feel hopeful for the future! Thank you so much for taking time to share the beautiful fruit of your ministry with us!
