
Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Bible Study and Fireless Cooker in Pallisa

By Sara:

I spent a fun day in Pallisa teaching some church leaders and young people about how to make and use a fireless cooker and then taking them through some inductive Bible studies.  In the morning, everyone was really skeptical about whether the beans would actually be ready later when we had only boiled them for ten minutes!

After going through a couple Bible studies as a large group, I split everyone into two smaller groups and had them each practice a study on their own.

Then we came together, and each group shared what they had learned from the passage and ways they plan to put what they learned into practice.

They did a great job and are confident in their ability to study the Bible like this with others now.

When we were done, there was the excitement of opening up the fireless cooker beans and seeing them completely ready.  Everyone enjoyed eating them as lunch.

1 comment:

  1. Food for soul and body! Thanks for keeping us up to date. We continue to pray for you and Anthony.
