
Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Agriculture in the Village

By Sara:

Here are some photos of farmers World Renew works with.  These first ones of Celement show his very productive cassava.  He was very pleased by how well it did and how this particular variety made 16 good-sized tubers after only ten months.

Another farmer, Joseph, has been raising rabbits.  I love the way he cut a hole in the wall of the house he keeps them in so they can go out into the walled-in space to run around and eat.  If I lived in the village and had the space, this is how I would keep my rabbits.

Pastor Silver grew vegetables during the dry season when they're scarce and used the profit to pay people to dig him some fish pans.  He got some help from a government fisheries officer to stock one of the ponds, then decided it would be a good idea to keep digging more ponds so he has a diversity of work to help him through different times of the year.