
Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Fun (not really) in Kampala Traffic

By Sara:

One of the exciting things about driving in Kampala is traffic jams.  And people doing crazy things either in the traffic jam or speeding around when traffic is actually moving.  Here are some guys riding in a couch in the back of a truck:

A taxi driving reading the newspaper while driving (we were moving at a crawl, but still):

People wandering through traffic selling stuff (they guy with the red shirt and hat had a tray of various kinds of chili sauce - just what you need when stuck in traffic):

And then, once we started moving, this taxi wouldn't start and someone had to hop out and push it...thanks a lot, taxi:

How about a couple videos of the craziness too?  First, motorcycles driving on the sidewalk because of the traffic jam:

Then, even more motorcycles getting really impatient and weaving around the stopped cars. This is when we were stopped in traffic, but this many motorcycles pass us constantly while we are driving also, and it's really stressful.

Then, much later, here are a couple pictures of the continued busyness of Kampala at night:

1 comment:

  1. Ah! Orderly disorder... Thanks for the culture engagement! ;)
