
Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Solar Cooking for Fun

By Sara:

I recently bought a solar oven from another missionary in Soroti and have been trying it out for fun.  I found that the way it is designed, it doesn't get all that hot, so I made my own reflector panels (see the second picture below), which helps it get hotter inside.  (Note that you can make hard "boiled" eggs in a solar oven, it just takes way longer than on a stove)

Every time I would decide to cook something in the solar oven, I would look outside and see not a cloud in the sky.  Unfortunately, by the time I'd put the oven out and get the food inside 15 minutes later, it would be cloudy.  So...I have decided that I need to be doing my experimentation more during the dry season, like from December - February, to be safe.

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