
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Some Animal Pictures

By Sara:

Here are some fun pictures and videos of (mostly) our animals.  First, baby rabbits grow up very quickly:

I think I could make a very long series of pictures of Beorn sleeping in uncomfortable-looking positions or on top of strange items.  But here are just a few:

With all the animals, not much goes to waste.  Goats eat mango and banana peels; ducks eat papaya peels; and rabbits, ducks, and chickens eat any bits of fruit that are bruised or inedible to me:

Here are the baby ducks from a long time ago, before they got all grown up:

Everyone enjoys playing with the dogs:

They also can entertain themselves pretty well.

All the fowl know when it is time to be fed dinner:

Ducks don't really like going up or down stairs.  Mine enjoy this ramp between the front and back yards:

Finally, a very tiny frog I found in the garden: