
Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Talking like a Ugandan

By Anthony:

I copied this from a facebook post by "Diary of a muzungu - Uganda & East Africa Travel Blog"  I found it hilarious and Sara and I do talk in most of these ways but we are pretty good at adjusting back to an American way of speaking when talking to family or other missionaries here.

…you no longer get annoyed when people make promises they can't possibly keep..
…seeing someone speeding towards you in the wrong lane seems completely normal
…You find yourself pointing with your lips and saying "yes" by raising both eyebrows.
…You can masterfully employ a variety of "Eh!" and "Eh eh!" noises to convey a range of meanings

…You start using the words "even" and "ever" in places you never would have ("Even me, I'm feeling hungry," or "I have ever done that")
…You start referring to people as "this one" or "that one"
…You willingly drive into oncoming traffic just to avoid the potholes
…you can speak Uglish so well that - you talk with a Ugandan accent; use words like 'shocked,' 'fearing,' 'extend,' 'balance,' 'somehow,' 'even me,' and 'can you imagine' and 'are you sure?' far too often...

…When you come back from being out of the country and conversations go as:
Them: "you have been lost!!" and your response: "I have been found!"
Them: "how is there?" and you: "there is fine!"
Them: "you have gone fat!!!" and you are lost for words because you have forgotten how frank Ugandans are

…You emphasize how you like something and they say: "Are you sure?"
…someone calls out your name and your reply is: "I am the one!"
…you end the conversation with "ok please"
…You ask for someone, and you know the answer "He's within" means everything from "He's within the building" to "He's within the city" or even "He's within the country".

…you start sentences with 'As for me, I ….'
…you get 'Am Fine' as a reply to your 'hi'.
…Clothes becomes a two-syllable word. Clo - thes.
…You know the man asking for Lose actually refers to Rose. And when someone says "let's play" you should stay seated.

…your handshakes last an entire conversation
…your home does not have an address.
…people walk into your house and you say "You are all most welcome!"
…you think "eh" in a high pitch tone is the correct way to respond when a boda driver's price suggestion is too high.


  1. The handshake one made me laugh, as I never knew when I should finally take my hand away😂

  2. This is a great post! I was chuckling out loud as it reminded me of East Africa days. Eh, even me, I'm going now :-)

  3. Haha! I laughed at referring to people as "this one" or "that one". Our son used to do that with his myriad of cousins when he was young. He would often say "the big one" or "the little one". 😂
