
Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Staying in a Home, not a Hotel, in Baringo

By Sara:

While we were in Baringo for Anthony to facilitate TLT and for me to facilitate the Bible studies (written by me and Brett) and teach some agriculture lessons, we were graciously hosted by the Suffragan Bishop and his wife, Dinah, during the nights we spent there.  We enjoyed drinking tea and talking outside in the cool evening.

Dinah's nephew was also staying with them and helped out with the cooking, including the butchering of a chicken.  The cats behind him were anxiously waiting for the feet.

I also got to help out with the cooking.  Dinah gave me a cooking lesson on making managu, which is a favorite leafy green vegetable in parts of Kenya.  In English, we'd call it edible nightshade - despite being part of the nightshade family like tomatoes and eggplant, the leaves are edible, hence the name.

 Anthony and I really like managu and I have some seeds, so I'm going to plant it in my garden in Soroti and hopefully we'll be enjoying our own soon, now that we know how to prepare it well.

We enjoyed our visit with this family.  They are very kind and hospitable people and we got to have good conversations together about life and ministry.  Dinah also helped me practice Swahili by sitting with me over tea and speaking only in Swahili to me so that I had to speak in Swahili back instead of reverting to English just because it's easy.


  1. These look like wonderful people and it's terrific that Dinah helped you with your Swahili. One of the things I enjoy is helping folks from other countries improve their English speaking and reading as part of the Capital Area Literacy Coalition and I find that very satisfying. So know that Dinah not only helped you, but probably really enjoyed being able to do that for you.

    1. I'm glad that you have the time and willingness to help people improve their English skills! Learning a language isn't easy and it's a blessing to have people who are willing to encourage others in their language learning :)
