
Thursday, April 12, 2018

Some Fun Animal Photos

By Anthony:

We went to Murchison Falls National Park with Sara's parents when they visited.  These are some of the best photos.  None of them were taken by me since I was the driver, so the credit goes to Sara and her parents!

A Bateleur:

The Nile River:

Jackson's Hartebeest (and Ugandan Kob on the left):

I am awfully close to this elephant, but rangers were nearby, and the vehicles were right behind me so I could escape if necessary!

Nile River Boat Ride:

Pretending to be tough:

Black and White Colobus Monkey:

Northern Carmine Bee-Eater:


  1. Wow. Sara looks so very tough in that picture! Wouldn't want to mess with her.

  2. Great photos. Thanks for identifying these birds and beasts.
