
Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Random pictures and events

By Sara

One day, Anthony got a phone call from a neighbor, asking if we needed the ostrich egg urgently.  Anthony was super confused.  We didn't know we needed an ostrich egg.  But apparently another neighbor had told this guy that he should find one for us.  Maybe he thought it would be fun?  Anyway, that's how we ended up buying an ostrich egg for about $9 and cooking it up when my parents were visiting.

We had to crack a hole by hammering it with a knife.  Then, we stuck a fork into the hole to scramble it so the yolk would be broken and could come out the hole.

The white part of the egg doesn't get as white when cooked as that of chicken eggs.  It's more translucent, and the yolk was a bit more dry.  But it was good and fed the 4 of us for about 3 breakfasts. 

This is how we do laundry.  We often have animals keep us company while we do it:

Speaking of animals, look how cute the dogs are.  Beorn is getting big quickly; he's going to start giving Caleb a run for his money pretty soon.

Caleb is an expert hunter.  He's good at catching rats...and grasshoppers:

Here's a not-so-nice critter I found on the door one day:

It has been raining a lot lately.  One evening it rained 2 inches in just a couple hours and flooded our entire yard.  If only we had some water tanks to collect all that water coming off the roof!

Sometimes motorcycle taxi drivers just need a nap:

While my parents were here, we visited a teacher friend's geography class at a local secondary school (high school).  Lots of kids ride their bikes, as you can see.

Our friend is a good teacher.  He is great at keeping the students' attention and getting them to answer questions to stay focused on the topic of the day.

Some giant loads on trucks pushing everyone off the road so they could pass.  Also, they had a guy with a giant stick that he used to hold up any power lines that went across the road so these things could get under them.

Army man at sunset on the Nile River:

Oranges for sale by the road:


  1. We so enjoyed your photos and seeing normal daily routine s even if the eggs are really big.

  2. These pictures make me smile. It allows those of us at home to enjoy some of your life's simple moments. Caleb and Beorn....😍 Surely God gives us dogs as a special blessing. Haha! What in the world kind of bug/spider was that Sara?! 😳

    1. I really have no idea what kind of spider it was, but it didn't live much longer after the picture was taken :)

  3. Such fun to see these glimpses into your life there, Sara! We enjoyed dried jack fruit and a full photo journal with your mom after their trip. Love the almost endless scope of God's kingdom on earth and sharing it in sweet fellowship!
