
Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Goodbyes and Random Photos

By Anthony:

We are now in Uganda, back in our old hometown of Soroti, but in a new house.  We are busy settling in.  Here are some photos from events and goodbyes over our last couple months in Kenya.  At the end are some random photos and fun videos of Caleb and ping pong.

We went to Nairobi in November for a goodbye lunch with our World Renew Kenya team.  They gave us nice gifts, said things they appreciate about us, and prayed for us.  We enjoyed an amazing Ethiopian feast with them.

Also in November we had our Berea College Graduation.  It's nice that we will still see some of the graduates from time to time.  Some of our Berea students are in the TLT group in Baringo that I will continue even after moving back to Uganda.  Also, one of the graduates is from South Sudan and is returning now to his family in one of the refugee camps in Northern Uganda.  We look forward to visiting his place there and encouraging the people living with him in the camps.  Here is a picture of the student choir.

Us and some of the other tutors:

Now to the more random photos.  This is a rather small load on a motorcycle compared to many that we see on the road.  This is our friend's motorcycle who took our old tires off our hands.

It's really fun to have fruit trees and especially to harvest avocados in plenty like this.  We are excited that our new house in Uganda is surrounded by many different kinds of fruit trees.

It's common to see people on bicycles catch rides on the backs of trucks.  Extremely dangerous, but much less work.

Caleb doing his favorite activity, digging up mole hills:

Ping Pong:


  1. Thanks for the update. Very interesting. Caleb really does go after those mole hills! Quite a digger.

  2. Merry Christmas, guys. Love your photo from the email. Hope you're pretty settled in by now and enjoying being back to Uganda. Happy New Year with love from VERY CHILLY- single digits- Midland!
