
Wednesday, May 10, 2017


By Sara:

One of the great joys of living in East Africa is having a big garden and being able to raise animals.  I was able to get started on the garden immediately after arriving here at Berea College, but I've had to wait a long time for baby rabbits.  Finally, though, they are here!  I hope you all enjoy being able to see some pictures of how cute they are.

Rabbits grow amazingly quickly!  Here they are at one week old:

Then again, at two weeks old:

You'd think that they wouldn't want to be sat on, but they all struggle to be at the bottom of the pile when they're sleeping.

And, finally at 3 weeks old when we started holding them:

This one climbed into Anthony's sleeve and didn't want to come back out!


  1. What was the cause of such a long wait, Sara?

    1. Not totally sure. It took my rabbits a while to get reproducing when I started with them in Uganda too

  2. Adorable! I guess they instinctively burrow. Thanks for sharing the interesting photos.
