
Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Baking at the Farm

By Sara:

I had the opportunity to teach the people who work at Berea Farm how to steam cakes. As usual, it is a really fun activity!  Also, I discovered that all of these people understand English WAY better than I speak Swahili because they were all copying down the recipes from English and could follow them without translation.  However, it's good for me that they choose to speak to me in Swahili because it forces me to keep practicing!

The fire was super smoky, but we didn't have to sit and watch the cakes cook, just to go check on them or to take them out.

The final product - a maize cake! (cornbread)

As you can see, everyone had a great time.  Baking cakes might not necessarily earn people money, but it certainly fills lives with joy, which is a gift from God.  The next week, I asked if anyone had made any cakes at home.  Three of these ladies said that they had already made several each!


  1. That's so great that you get to show folks something new that can add to their enjoyment of life.

  2. That looks like so much fun and who knows, they may one day earn some money by baking people cakes

  3. A wonderful way to build community. We need to do this more over here.

  4. Anthony, currently I am helping a refugee from Burundi and am sitting in a doctors office talking about what you and Sara do. He misses his wife and child back home.

  5. He likes to look at pics of life back there. Hope all is well with you and Sara. Nahimani speaks Swahili and english

  6. Greetings to him from us in Kenya. We are so sorry about what has been happening in Burundi. Any chance that he will get to go back home soon? I haven't been following the political situation in Burundi recently.
