
Thursday, January 12, 2017

Random Things

By Sara:

First of all, I'm teaching another class at Berea College!  I have my practical class, but also a class that's basically a survey of the Old Testament.  I taught that while in Uganda at the Pentecostal Bible College, so it's exciting to get to teach it again.  I love teaching skills and I also love teaching about the Bible.  Basically, I get to teach about the two best things between my two classes.

Here are some other random fun things.  I taught some of the women who work for Anglican Development Services (ADS) and the Anglican Diocese how to steam cakes.  They really enjoyed it and Charity (in the red and yellow sweatshirt) has lost count of how many cakes she's baked since the lesson!

 A rollerblader near Nakuru.  I really don't understand how this could be fun when you're sharing the road with cars, trucks, bicycles, motorcycles, donkey carts, and pedestrians. 

 Our Christmas decorations and Advent wreath.

And some kind of really cool fungus that I found in my garden.  It looks either like bird nests or oyster shells filled with pearls.

Caleb has become more cuddly than normal.  One time when I sat on the porch, he tried to jump into my lap:

A swarm of bees that was on the ground by our neighbor's house - I didn't notice it until I was closer than I wanted to be...I just slowly backed away.

We found this mouse in the potato field:

Our friends Emily and Levy came to visit after Christmas.  We visited a nearby attraction where they have some animals and model villages for some of the different tribes of Kenya.  This is the style of hut in the old tradition of Levy's tribe, so he and Emily posed in front of the 1st wife hut since Emily is his first and only wife!

Since we have a bigger freezer than in Uganda, we bought ice cream and made oreo dessert for Anthony's birthday.  It was a pretty special treat, despite the fact that the freezer didn't keep the ice cream completely frozen.

A dog at the college had puppies and some of them followed me home one day.  I had to bring them back to their mom, but they were super cute and playful!


  1. OK, I can understand how you would be able to take a picture of a swarm of bees, because the bees don't move around much in a swarm, but how on earth were you able to get a closeup of a mouse in a field? I've never seen a mouse that didn't scurry away when approached.

    Love the pictures.

    1. I zoomed in with the camera - it ran away when Anthony tried to catch it :)

  2. So delightful to see all the interesting things that attract your attention.

  3. Great photos! May God bless both of you, Sara and Anthony, as classes resume. May your presence and teaching equip many people for effective witness and ministry.

  4. What's happier than an armful of puppies?!

  5. LOVE the photos!!...THANK YOU for sharing your little piece of paradise!! XO

  6. Happy belated birthday to Anthony.

    Glad you missed those bees.

    Such strange fungus. Yuck. :)

    Sure enjoyed the photos!

    1. Haha Carol! I actually thought that fungus was super cool. I think a container full of it would be so interesting. Do you know what it is Sara? Love all the photos.

    2. Well, I searched online for "bird's nest fungus" and it seems that is actually what it is called!

  7. I love your updates ! Happy Birthday to Anthony and may God bless you both as you bless so many others with your God given talents
