
Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Anthony's Road Rage

By Sara:

In case you weren't aware, Nairobi is a very modern big city.  Like all big cities, it has its problems with massive amounts of traffic.  Here are some glimpses of minor traffic jams in Nairobi (I say minor because the car we were in was moving - we've heard tales of how bad it can get and this wasn't as bad as the stories...):

You might remember Anthony's struggles with road rage.  The good news is that in this situation, we were riding with friends, so neither of us was the one driving!  But it's still stressful to be stuck in a seemingly endless line of cars like this.

Anyway, as you can tell, it's a challenge for people to get to work in Nairobi.  Either you live far away from work where the rent/housing is cheaper and have a 2-3 hour drive through the jam or you live close to work where housing is much more expensive and have maybe only a 30 minute-1 hour trip.  We admire the willingness of our World Renew colleagues to deal with this every day to get to work.


  1. Ugh. It looks like LA. 😳 Do you have to go to the Nairobi office monthly?

    1. No, not every month - sometimes we skype in to the meetings!
