
Thursday, July 21, 2016

World Renew Colleagues

By Sara:

During our week in Nairobi, we enjoyed getting to know some new World Renew - Kenya staff as well as spending time with staff we knew from before.  We're so thankful to be with an organization with such knowledgeable and generous staff who spent a lot of time helping us get around Nairobi, shop for a vehicle, go to the immigration office, and do whatever else we needed to do while there.

Lily met us at the airport when we arrived in Nairobi, late in the evening and escorted us to our hotel.  She helped us get our lost luggage delivered to our hotel, went with us to immigration, and overall made sure that we were well taken care of.

Sabstone was invaluable in helping us go to trustworthy used car dealers and shared his knowledge with us about what kinds of vehicles were good choices and which ones were in the best condition.

Joash drove us around Nairobi (we would have been very lost without him) and also had great knowledge about vehicles.  Between him and Sabstone, we felt confident about choosing a good vehicle at a fair price.

There are two more people in the picture below: Everlyne, in the middle, is the administrative assistant and always greeted us cheerfully when we arrived at the office.  And next to her in the white blouse is Naomi, who is in charge of monitoring and evaluation and also manages the partnership with the Anglican Development Services (ADS) in Nakuru, with whom we will be working.  We will appreciate learning from her and hopefully seeing her in Nakuru when she comes to check up on ADS.

Not only are all these people very helpful to us, they are also friendly and fun to be with.  We look forward to spending more time with them as our time in Kenya goes on.

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