
Thursday, June 9, 2016

June Fundraising Update

By Sara:

Since we made a request for you to help us out in our fundraising back in March, we wanted to give you an update for how things are going.

First of all, we want to thank all of you for everything you do for us.  Thank you so much to you who have given generously, both individually and through churches.  You are very important to us and to the work that God is doing.  And thank you to all of you who so faithfully read our blog, pray for us, and encourage us.  We couldn't do it without you either!

So here is the update, we have reached the amount of start-up costs needed, which is excellent!  And we have about $52,880 pledged out of the $60,096 that we need per year.

That means we need an additional $7,216 per year (or about $600 per month).

Please prayerfully consider whether God might be calling you to become one of our monthly supporters if you aren't already.

An example of how we could reach $600 per month would be if we had:
4 more people giving $25 per month
4 more people giving $50 per month
3 more people giving $100 per month

If you do feel led to support us, whether with a one-time gift or monthly, please let us know so we can add it to the amount already pledged and calculate whether we have reached the support we need.

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