
Thursday, May 19, 2016

Texas Revisited

By Sara:

While Anthony spent a couple weekends preaching and teaching in Michigan and Wisconsin, I took a working vacation to visit a friend in Waco, TX.  I say working because I worked on my own projects while my friend did office work and also had the opportunity to share about what we do in Uganda with a supporting church in Stephenville and at the World Hunger Relief Farm (with the help of wonderful friends who drove me around since I didn't have a car there).  I actually have photographic proof that I did this and didn't just play with baby goats:

But I did also get some vacation rest and I did see baby goats too - one of the goats at the farm gave birth while I was there and I got to bottle feed one of the babies the next day!  (I've been going through goat withdrawal since being in the US, so this was very excellent).

Along with the goats were some very dear friends, not all of whom were photographed, but it was very special to see all of them.

I got to see my favorite goat Ramona (I think she remembered me) as well as a few that were born while I was at the Farm.

Below are two pictures to compare.  Same people, same goat, just about 2 1/2 years apart.  Luna, the goat has grown; we're mostly the same.

All in all, I am very grateful for these friends who love me and for the experiences we had together while working and learning at the World Hunger Relief farm.  I'm really glad I had the opportunity to visit them during my time in the US.

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