
Thursday, March 31, 2016

Life in the US

By Sara:

In the midst of our presentations and visits to churches and supporters, and along with the work we have been doing preparing for teaching in and moving to Kenya, we have also been making the most of our time in the US.  There are things we can't experience in Uganda/Kenya, which we are enjoying here.  First of all, we got to experience one small blizzard in Michigan and I went out and walked in the snow at the nature center with my dad.  We found this amazing imprint (probably from an owl) in the snow:

Of course, some of us have enjoyed winter more than others...

But we have also done some less extreme fun winter activities together:

We are getting to know our nieces and nephews in person and are doing our best to fill their minds with books:

We live with our parents most of the time and try to do some cooking and chores for them as well as getting quality time in.  Hopefully it makes everyone happy!

I am enjoying cooking food with ingredients not found in Uganda!  While doing so, I noticed that ovens here are really big.  It's pretty amazing to be able to fit two cookie sheets into an oven at the same time.

I even brought out my inner nerdiness (which wasn't very difficult) and celebrated Pi Day (March 14th, i.e. 3.14) with my parents.


  1. Love it! So glad you guys are home for a little while and making the most of it :) I'll see you on the 16th!

  2. Very cool! You are both such a blessing.

  3. What a wonderful post! Thanks for sharing your life!
    ~ Cheryl B

  4. It sure was great to see you at the GMT meeting and hope you continue to enjoy these months in the U.S.

  5. I think I recognize "The Monster at the End of This Book" in the picture of Anthony with a niece and nephew -- great choice!

  6. I think I recognize "The Monster at the End of This Book" in the picture of Anthony with a niece and nephew -- great choice!
