
Thursday, March 3, 2016

Fundraising Request

Thank you to all of you who so faithfully supported us while we were in Uganda!  We request that you please continue to support us as we go on to Kenya.  It is only by your help that we can continue in this ministry.  In partnership, God uses us all together to do his Kingdom work.

Our budget for working in Kenya includes $35,000 in one-time startup costs (mainly purchasing a vehicle and furnishing our house).  Then the yearly budget is $60,096 a year (which covers our salary, travel, and all of our ministry expenses).   This new budget includes support we are receiving right now, while in the US, to cover our living and travel expenses as we visit all of you around the country.  Therefore, we would appreciate your continued support even right now before we go to Kenya in July.

We have calculated generally what we expect to financially receive per year from the supporting churches and monthly donors we have already.  We have concluded that if individual monthly donors and churches give exactly as they did while we were in Uganda, we will be around $23,000 short of our yearly budget for Kenya.

So we are asking you to please consider becoming a new monthly supporter for us.

$23,000 comes out to around 19-20 new monthly supporters who are each giving $100 per month.

Although this is a large gap, we trust in God to provide, just as he always has in the past by blessing us abundantly through so many generous people and churches!

If you want to give online you can do so through World Renew's website.  It is the link at the top of our list of links to the right.

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